Who is Gruumsh in D&D?

Who is Gruumsh in D&D?

Gruumsh is a fictional deity in the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasy role-playing game. He is primarily associated with the Orcs, and he is often referred to as "Gruumsh One-Eye" due to his missing eye. Gruumsh is depicted as a fierce god of war, conquest, and brutality.

In the D&D, Gruumsh is a chaotic evil deity who seeks to lead his orc followers in a never-ending quest for power and dominance. He encourages his followers to engage in warfare, pillaging, and raiding, believing that the strong should conquer the weak. Gruumsh is often portrayed as a vengeful and wrathful god, holding a deep-seated hatred for other deities and races.

In many D&D campaigns, Gruumsh's influence leads to conflicts between orc tribes and other civilizations, as well as clashes with other deities and their followers. His mythology and role can vary depending on the specific campaign setting and Dungeon Master's interpretation, but he consistently embodies the aggressive and warlike aspects often associated with orcs in fantasy literature and gaming.


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